Small Animal Sale is the 2nd Saturday of every month!!
Welcome to Wythe County Livestock Exchange Inc.
(276) 223-0003
3561 Stoney Fork Rd. & P.O. Box 1451
Wytheville, Va 24382
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@Wythe County Livestock Exchange
Small Animal Sale is the 2nd Saturday of every month!!
(276) 223-0003
3561 Stoney Fork Rd. & P.O. Box 1451
Wytheville, Va 24382
Like us on Facebook!
@Wythe County Livestock Exchange
Welcome to Wythe County Livestock Exchange, Inc. located in picturesque Wytheville, VA. Built in the summer of 2002, this facility boasts a 3000 head holding capacity for livestock. Our comfortable sales arena is heated and air-conditioned as we offer a variety of different sales suitable for any type of livestock buyer.
Our regular livestock auctions are held every Thursday at 1:00 PM. We offer baby calves, single stockers, head cows, cow/calf pairs, graded cattle, load lots, slaughter cattle, etc. at every regular sale.
In the spring and fall we conduct special feeder sales in conjunction with the Wythe County Feeder Cattle Association and Virginia Cattleman's Association. They include Feeder Holstein Steer sales. Please go to our sale calendar to find out the dates of our upcoming feeder sales.
We also hold a Small Animal sale every month. This sale gives everyone, young and old, the opportunity to participate in and enjoy an “old-time country auction”. Check our sale calendar for these dates.
Our regular livestock auctions are held every Thursday at 1:00 PM. We also offer graded cattle and load lots at every regular sale along with the other livestock.
The office will now be open on Fridays, therefore, checks may be picked up from 8am-12pm, after that they will be mailed.
In the spring and fall we conduct special feeder sales in conjunction with the Wythe County Feeder Cattle Association and Virginia Cattleman's Association. They include Feeder Steer & Heifer sales and Feeder Holstein Steer sales. Please go to our sale calendar to find out the dates of our upcoming feeder sales.
We have Small Animal Sales. This sale consists of Goats, Sheep, and Crated Animals such as Chickens, Roosters, Guineas, Ducks, Rabbits and Turkeys. This sale gives everyone, young and old, the opportunity to participate in and enjoy an “old-time country auction. We also sell Feeders, Cages, and any other Farm Related Tools. This sale is the the 2nd Saturday of every month. Unloading begins at 8 am. Crates are available for purchase for $2.50. The Sale starts at 10 am with farm related items. Followed by goats and sheep at 12 noon and then crated animals.
We offer video sales specializing in load lots the 2nd Thursday of every month. If you are interested in more information about the Video Sales please feel free to contact the market at 276-223-0003 or our sales representative
Brian Umberger at 276-620-1194
Check out the 2025 VA Dept of Ag-USDA Market News Wythe County VA Livestock Auction Weekly
Choose Wythe County under "Weekly Auctions"
3561 Stoney Fork Road, Wytheville, Virginia 24382, United States