Small Animal Sale is the 2nd Saturday of every month!!
Small Animal Sale is the 2nd Saturday of every month!!
Lot 1
Owner Mountain Spring Farms
Wytheville, VA
Estimated Weight Base Weight of 960 Weight range 900-1050
Weight Stop at 990
Sex Steers
Number of Head Approximately 53 hd.
Approximately 50,000 lbs.
Color 3 CharX, 7 Red, 2 Skunk Tail, Balance Black & BWF
3-4 will have pinkeye scars 2 will have 2” horns
Frame Size Medium
Flesh 5
Muscling #1
Health Bovishield One Shot, Inforce 3, Alpha 7+MB1, Longrange, Valbazen
Implants Synovex S
Feed Corn Silage, Wheat Haylage, Canola Meal
Comments A good load of steers ready for feed.
Delivery Date February 17-19 with a three day notice
Weighing Conditions Cattle will be gathered early in the morning and hauled 5 miles to Wythe County Livestock Exchange to be weighed with a 2% shrink and a $8 slide on the heavy side only.
Contractor Brian Umberger 276-620-1194